Castile Mountain
Castle Mountain - A Low Sulfidation Hot Spring Type Prospect
Castle Mountain is a high-level Hot Spring type epithermal system that has seen one shallow drilling program about 35 years ago.
Property Highlights:
- Analogs in the region include recent discovery at Gravel Creek and Ivanhoe.
- Shell Mining drilled 5 shallow test holes back in 1984.
- DH CM-1 encountered a mineralized zone that carried anomalous gold values ranging from 240 ppb to 400 ppb over 35 feet.
- The prospect hosts hot springs sinter at the top of the hill.
- Mineralization is hosted by an andesite breccia that is underlain by a Paleozoic debris lense that provides prospective stratigraphy.
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Located in Elephant Country: Castle Mountain is located in north central NV, about 40 miles northwest of Elko on the southern flank of the Tuscarora Mountains. This region is renowned for its prolific gold production. The claims sit in the Tuscarora Mining District about 3.5 miles southwest of the productive low sulfidation epithermal vein systems at Tuscarora. For the most part the prospective land is administered to by BLM. In January 2018, GSI staked 10 lode claims that cover the obvious targets.
Project Analogs: The Gravel Creek project in northern Elko County is the best analog for Castle Mountain. Gravel Creek is a new large gold/silver discovery by Western Exploration. They have intercepts of up to 16 meters of 49 g/t Au and another or 318 meters of 1.27 g/t Au. Mineralization there is hosted in silicified breccia formed at the basement/Miocene interface below a surface sinter and weak geochemical anomalies (Christensen, 2015). The host rocks at Castle Mountain are the similar age and similar lithology’s to Gravel Creek.
Geologic Setting: The Castle Mountain prospect sits southeast side of the Tuscarora volcanic field, the largest Eocene volcanic field in Nevada. This is important because Eocene magmatism occurred contemporaneously with the main gold mineralizing event that formed the bulk of the giant gold deposits in Nevada. It is widely accepted that Eocene magmatism played a critical role in generating hydrothermal systems that deposited over 200 million ounces that have been discovered in northern Nevada.
A paleo hot spring vent crops out at the top of Castle Mountain evidenced by a small area of sinter and silicified volcaniclastic rocks that carry the best gold geochemistry. The surrounding area is primarily argillicly altered with minor stock works of quartz. Surface mineralization is hosted by dense welded Andesite breccia mapped as debris flow breccia having a maximum thickness of 170 meters. A lense of Paleozoic debris is interstratified with the Andesite breccia. Below that lies the basal section of the Tertiary composed of Andesite, ash flow tuff and a basal conglomerate which sits unconformably on the Paleozoic sediments. Estimated depth to the unconformity based on NBMG section drawn 2 miles to the southwest would be between 250m and 350m. That unconformity represents an excellent stratigraphic target below the hot springs vent.
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